grilled beef and chicken

It’s difficult to find a better source of protein, vitamins, and minerals than in a nicely prepared steak.  And if you’ve had your fill of steak for the week, toss in grilled chicken for your protein source.  All this talk … Read More

homemade sauerkraut – sept 2015

Here is the finished product of my first go at fermentation.  I left it out on the counter for about 6 days.  My first impression is 1) too salty, which I can modify with future batches and 2) too crunchy, … Read More

homemade sauerkraut – sept 2015

I decided to delve into fermentation to maximize my GI health and flood it with beneficial probiotics.  In this case, I went with sauerkraut, which is extremely easy to do at home, and it stands as a fantastic side dish … Read More

garden #3 ready to go – sept 2015

For experimentation purposes, I decided to go with little starter pods of green romaine, red romaine, and cauliflower.  In the middle plot, I planted cauliflower and green lettuce seeds, as I wanted to compare and contrast the growth and success … Read More

garden #3 addition – sept 2015

I decided to expand garden #3 to increase my harvest.  This is especially good for lettuce, spinach, and broccoli because you can snip the lettuce/spinach leaves and broccoli stems, and they continue to grow throughout the season.  There are many … Read More

tomatillos – july 2015

My tomatillo plant produced well this summer.  Tomatillos make great salsa when you toss in an avocado and hot peppers.  Tomatillos posses a little sweetness, and if making a salsa, lightly roasting the tomatillos on a skillet adds a little … Read More

tomato crop – june 2015

Overview of my tomato variety.  All really good and sweet. (If you’re interested in starting your own garden while getting healthy and fit at the same time, simply sign up with PG.  You’ll receive primal gardening advice and the knowledge … Read More

tomato plants in garden #3

Here’s a May 2015 photo.  My tomato crop performed adequately over the spring and summer, but I know it can be better as I learn of better ways to feed and care for the plants.  Even though tomatoes grow well … Read More